Thursday, November 10, 2011

Internet Explorer NOT FTW!

Remember this post? Yeah, it's basically how I'm ranting about having to use IE to blog nowadays, if I happen to blog at work, which in hindsight, rarely happens pun.

TAPI, walaupun sekali-sekala, walaupun kaddang-kaddang (baca nada P.Ramlee dalam Nujum Pak Belalang), aku still rasa tak comfortable pakai IE. Sebab macam terencat aje. Aku pun tak paham macam mana ramai je manusia lain yang aku tengok selamba kodok pakai IE dok surf sana sini.

So now, I've installed yet another browser in my PC, Safari, yang jugak aku tak berapa minat sebenarnya. But thing is, anything is soooo better than IE lah. ANYTHING.

But please don't call me an Apple fanboi. I will cut you if you do.

Okay, itu sahaja update hari ini.

ps. I just realized Flock is now defunct. Heh.

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