Sunday, December 28, 2008

R.E.S.P.E.C.T, Find Out What It Means to Me

This is where being an anonymous blogger helps me. I want to vent. Pardon the vulgarities and profanities (if any) that ensue.

I am supposed to conduct an interview with this huge tokoh. It'll just be a recorded interview, simple questions, with talking points, which I've prepared. Mind you, the questions and talking points went through 3 levels of editors, okay? And the amendments were very little (I am, for once, not being a snob, but really, where can one go wrong with a New Year message?)

Okay, fine. That horror is over.

Then somehow, the biggest boss here got wind of the interview. He's a nice guy, I like him actually, but I can't for the life of me, think of a reason why, he would not let a lowly exec (me) interview the huge tokoh. WTF? For him, as if, tak menghormati the huge tokoh. (BTW, the huge tokoh bukannya well educated pun, just so happen to be married to a very influential person). WTF?

So, the biggest boss had asked another boss to interview the huge tokoh. Now, this boss, I've emailed the boss the Q&A since MONDAY, BLARDY, MANIC MONDAY, okay? Then the not-so-big-boss replied, "Okay, I'll take a look at it this afternoon and let you know of any amendments." Fuh, lega. (This all happened on Monday, coincidentally, I had a 39 Degrees fever then, but you don't hear me complaining, right?)

Do you know when she replied? Friday. The not-so-big-boss replied on Friday and the interview is supposed to take place the next Monday. The not-so-big-boss replied with amendments and the amendments needs to be edited and looked at by a host of other people, and it's a long weekend with cuti Awal Muharram on Monday (yes, it is not enough that they have to torture me into joining the interview on Monday as nothing more than a glorified tukang bawak barang).

And to top it all, I received an SMS on Sunday morning saying the interview is OFF!!!


Have you no respect of my time and effort?

No, of course not, I am but a lowly personnel who just don't get it, right? Whatever.

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